After establishing the first Catholic school for girls in Bordeaux, France, in 1607, Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac didn’t stop there. The reputation of this good work quickly spread throughout France, and she was inundated by requests to establish such schools in a great number of cities, and she responded!
Those seeds which Saint Jeanne planted in Bordeaux have been cultivated by the Order of the Company of Mary our Lady for 400 years and have taken root and blossomed here in Temecula. In fact, like a healthy plant which has grown and spread out its roots beyond the capacity of its pot, so too our school has grown beyond the capacity of its facilities. We do not consider growth a problem to be solved but a blessing to be celebrated and cultivated.
The Growing to Serve campaign is our way of celebrating and cultivating this blessing by providing our students the room and resources they need to grow further into the incredible men and women God has created them to be.

Lord, you planted the seeds of faith in the rich soil of our hearts and the diverse fields of our community. Through your grace and the generosity of others, Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac School has yielded an abundant harvest of faith-filled leaders who are transforming the world with your love. We ask you to bless our efforts to build a new high school so that we can increase the harvest of good work you have begun in us. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac, Pray for us.